Liz, this one's for you.
I've recently started reading the Atlantic's
food blog. There are a lot of articles about how food is produced, the ethics of food, food trends, etc. But occasionally they also throw in a recipe. When I saw this post on an
Asparagus Bacon and Egg Sandwich, I knew we had to make it, mostly because it reminded me of my friend, Liz.
Liz is one of my best friends. However, she hates to cook. She eats more salads than anyone I know. I'm half convinced this is because they require minimal assembly. Despite her hatred of cooking, she makes a mean fried egg sandwich. So Liz, this one's for you.
In keeping with my minimal reprinting of other blogger's recipes and to celebrate the return of the camera, I thought I would illustrate this recipe's preparation with photos.
A thought on preparation: I followed his recipe exactly. However, the cooking everything in bacon grease, I felt, overwhelms the other flavors. You can't really taste the asparagus, just the bacon grease. So, if I had to make it again, I think I'd just steam the asparagus, rather than cooking with the bacon.
Eat Rating: Good. Definitely for the bacon lover, though.
Difficulty: Easy to medium.
2 thickly cut slices of bread
1-2 eggs
Pepper, to taste
Slice your bread.
Cook your bacon.
Cook the asparagus in the leftover bacon grease.
Fry an egg (or two) in the grease.
Slather mayo on the bread.
I've also made quite a few egg sandwiches this year, and have also thought of Liz as I did so. Mine have fewer ingredients - I just fry an egg in butter or margarine, toast 2 slices of bread, put the egg on the bread, add some salt, pepper, and cheese (preferably American) and microwave for ~10sec so the cheese melts. I'll have to try yours sometimes - they sound tasty :)